Ma huang weight loss products contain the herb ephedra. Ephedra (Chinese name- Ma huang) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since the 3rd century BC. Ephedra (Ephedra sinica) over the centuries was added in small quantities to tea to help ease congestion and to cure various illnesses like, colds, asthma and respiratory disorders. The active component of Ephedra is an alkaloid. Research has shown the effects of this alkaloid to be interestingly similar in effect to the hormone adrenaline. This herb speeds up heart rate and also has a diuretic effect. The Chinese always used the herb in small quantities and advocated a regulated use of the herb.
Ephedra of late has been found to promote weight loss although concrete proof is not yet available. Ma Huang products are available in the following forms- tablets, dried herb/tea, capsules and tincture. This helps in fat reduction and also enhances athletic performance. Though beneficial in certain cases the consumption of Ephedra has become controversial, as high doses of the herb have been linked to grave health problems like stroke, seizures, cardiac arrest, and death. While some people experience no ill effects at all their number is far lesser than those who complain of adverse side effects. Increased heart rate for instance is common even at recommended levels of dosage. Conditions such as nervousness, anxiety and insomnia are common at high doses or prolonged use.
Herbal Weight Loss Product
Among the less common side effects are loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, headache, kidney stones, problematic and/or painful urination, and muscle cramps. The prevalence of these side effects led the FDA to introduce some control measures. Research into Ephedra was also undertaken. The first step taken by the FDA was to ensure that only natural Ephedra was used in weight loss products. Finally in 2003 products containing Ephedra were totally banned.
Cyber Monday Super African Mango 1200 : The Original Fat Loss Diet, Appetite Suppressant 1000 mg 2011 Deals
Dec 07, 2011 13:24:46
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Cyber Monday Super African Mango 1200 : The Original Fat Loss Diet, Appetite Suppressant 1000 mg Feature
- One of the most effective Weight Loss formula available
- Latest Weight Loss & Slimming sensation Product!
- Contains: African Mango Extract (also known as Irvingia Gabonensis (or irvingia gabonesis)
- 1000mg per serving (two capsules)
Cyber Monday Super African Mango 1200 : The Original Fat Loss Diet, Appetite Suppressant 1000 mg Overview
African Mango (1,200mg/Max Strength) available is one of the most effective Weight Loss formula available!It's called the West African Mango. The extract from the fruit is a natural and healthy way for dieters to lose weight and improve overall health. Some studies have shed some positive light on the supplement. The West African Mango is grown naturally in the rainforests of Cameroon Africa. The scientific name of the fruit is called Irvingia gabonensis and is considered to be a natural source of cholesterol management and weight management agent.While the African Mango may be considered to be an effective, natural diet supplement, its true genius could be with how it can help the obese lose weight. Maybe the biggest factor could be the fruit's natural ability to act as an appetite suppressant. Leptin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps us control our appetites; however, most obese people have built up a resistance to leptin because, in part, to high levels of C-reactive protein (CPR). CPR can bind to leptin, lessening its effectiveness.But the nutrients in African Mango seem to lower the levels of CPR in the body allowing leptin to accomplish it's natural design with greater effectiveness. African Mango is also believed to increase the body's production of Adiponectin. If you're unfamiliar with Adiponectin, it's a hormone that the body uses to increase an cell's sensitivity to insulin and subsequently improving its glucouse and fat metabolism potential. By increasing those levels the body can turn more fat into burned energy; the result is weight loss.African Mango Extract - comprehensive formula. Latest Weight Loss & Slimming Sensation Product! This best selling Weight Loss contains: African Mango Extract (also known as Irvingia Gabonensis (or irvingia gabonesis)*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.SAVE NOW on Cyber Monday offers below!
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